Saturday, December 28, 2019

Kathy Buckley Biography - 1580 Words

Imagine growing up and having to deal with strange looks all the time because it is difficult to hear. Often being ignored by parents because they do not understand the situation, or anyone for that matter. Imagine living in a wheelchair at the hospital for a small portion of life. Having an adversity throughout the majority of life is not something many people would take very lightly. However, there are some people who do not want this burden to take over their lives. Kathy Buckley is a powerful woman who has triumphed over many calamities such as being deaf, being run over, and having cancer all before the age of thirty. Kathy was born in a relatively small town by the name of Wickliffe, Ohio. At a very young age, her family began to†¦show more content†¦To her surprise she actually did well. She actually won this contest and thats when her comedy career took off. Kathy decided that she wanted to continue to make people laugh. Kathy did everything from renting comedies, p erforming routines in her living room, and even enrolling in a comedy class (Griffin). After entering contest after contest, she would eventually move on to the semi-finals and then to the finals. Kathy ended up finishing 4th out of 80 comedians (Griffin). This was the deciding factor that she wanted to make a career out of stand up (Griffin). Once Kathy began to become more popular, she would spend months out on the road doing comedy acts (Griffin). Her first major act was in Las Vegas. She began to appear on television shows like The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Entertainer Tonight, and Touched by an Angel (Griffin). Being a deaf comedian, Kathy could not hear her audience laugh. She was able to feel the laughter through vibrations bouncing off the stage but that was not good enough for her (Hisch). Anne Arundel Community College was the first place Kathy was able to hear laughter. Kathy was at the college to speak due to National Disability Awareness Day (Hirsch). The majority of the audience was made up with people who had disabilities. Many of these people had to listen to Kathy through a signShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesAppalachian State University Denise Daniels, Seattle Pacific University Marie Dasborough, Oklahoma State University Nancy Da Silva, San Jose State University Christine Day, Eastern Michigan University Emmeline de Pillis, University of Hawaii, Hilo Kathy Lund Dean, Idaho State University Roger Dean, Washington Lee University Robert DelCampo, University o f New Mexico Kristen Detienne, Brigham Young University Doug Dierking, University of Texas at Austin Cynthia Doil, Southern Illinois University Jennifer

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Comparation of Gandhi to Socrates, to buddha, to Jesus and...

Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand) â€Å"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever walked upon this earth in flesh and blood†. -Albert Einstein Throughout history most national heroes have been warriors, but Gandhi was a passive and peaceful preacher of morals, ethics, and beliefs. He was an outsider who ended British rule over India without striking a blow. Moreover, Gandhi was not skillful with any unusual artistic, scholarly, or scientific talents. He never earned a degree or received any special academic honors. He was never a candidate in an election or a member of government. Yet when he died, in 1948, practically the whole world mourned him. Einstein said in his tribute, â€Å"Gandhi demonstrated that a†¦show more content†¦Gandhi’s life was devoted to a search for truth. He believed that truth could be known only through tolerance and concern for others, and that finding a truthful way to solutions required constant attention. He dedicated himself to truth, to nonviolence, to purity, to poverty, to scripture-reading, to humility, to honesty, and to fearlessness. He called his autobiography, My Experi ments with Truth. Gandhi overcame fear in himself and taught others to master fear. He believed in Ahimsa (nonviolence) and taught that to be truly nonviolent required courage. He lived a simple life and thought it was wrong to kill animals for food or clothing. In his religious studies, he happened upon Leo Tolstoy’s Christian writings, and was inspired. It stated that all government is based on war and violence, and that one can attack these only through passive resistance. This made a deep impression on Gandhi. Gandhi developed a method of direct social action, based upon principals of courage, nonviolence, and truth, which he called Satyagraha (holding on to truth). In this method, the way people behave is more important than what they achieve in life. Satyagraha was used to fight for India’s independence and to bring about social change. In 1884, he founded the Natal Indian Congress to fight for Indian’s rights and he used and perfected the tool of satyagraha (nonviolent resistance) in demanding and protecting the rights of the Indian

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Stakeholder Management Reciprocity Holder â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Stakeholder Management Reciprocity Holder? Answer: Introduction The dispute regarding SPC Ardmona was regarding their closure in the year 2014 was a very crucial thing in the history of Australian employment relations. The situation was so crucial that many of the employees feared to lose their jobs. This dispute was solved by the interference of the Australian government by granting some amount of money to make the company operate in its industry. The Fair Work Commission has also acted positively to revive the organization to start again. The core of the dispute Thee parent company of SPC Ardmona was Coca-Cola Amatil but the organization was suffering from various problems in the business operations ( 2017). The problem was such a huge one that the Victorian Government led by Tony Abbott had planned to help the company with $100 to revive the financial conditions of the company that helped them to survive and operate within the industry. The company has been a major producer of processed fruit in Australia. This company is the owner of various brands like Goulburn Valley, IXL, SPC, Ardmona and Taylors ( 2017). As reporting to Justice Ross, it can be said for working for Fair Work Competition that SPC Ardmona had complained to the federal Victorian government about the unfair import competition in the market and the Productivity Commission had reviewed the potential viability of the company ( 2017). The Productivity Commission reported that the importing of processed food products had suffered a number of faults as the finding of the Safeguards Inquiry. The stakeholders of the company were disturbed at these reports because the main sufferers were the people like the customers and suppliers and local distributors (Fassin 2012). Findings of the report The report published by the Commission stated that the company SPC Ardmona was suffering from the long-term reductions in the demand for processed food in the Australian market. The export volumes were lower as well and the growth rate of the company was stopped. As a result, they needed to reduce the expenses behind the production process and this led them to be unemployed some of the employees. This was really a setback for the employees and the situation got heated up regarding the cashing out of sick leaves and redundancy pay (Fair Work Ombudsman 2017). The solution of the dispute and the role of stakeholders One of the major things that had caused the problems was the fact about the redundancy pay and sick leave cashing out. The company did not want to approve more than 10 sick leaves for an employee but the Fair Work Ombudsman had stated some new regulations saying that an employee should be given a four week notice for termination and 16 weeks for redundancy pay (Fair Work Ombudsman 2017). SPC Ardmona was only able to present a 2.5 percent increase in the wages that was below than others. They could not give proper amount of wages as the production costs were going too high. This is why their market shares went down and the stakeholders were badly affected (Noble 2017). Conclusion The paper can be concluded by saying that the ailing condition of SPC Ardmona was rescued by the federal Australian government and they noticed the problems and they decided to help the organization to come up with new ideas with the help of the government money. The different problems could be solved in different ways because some of them are internal. SPC Ardmona needs to satisfy their stakeholders properly to stay alive in the market. References Fair Work Ombudsman. (2017). Fair Work Ombudsman. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017]. Fassin, Y., 2012. Stakeholder management, reciprocity and stakeholder responsibility.Journal of Business Ethics,109(1), pp.83-96. Noble, D., 2017.Forces of production: A social history of industrial automation. Routledge. (2017). SPC Ardmona - Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Echo Personality Disorder Essay Example For Students

Echo Personality Disorder Essay Echo Personality Disorder is a specific and highly differentiated form of dependency, marked by behaviours of compliance and a need to mirror significant others -parents, spouse, friends, employer. It has been found that those with EPD are highly attracted to relationships with individuals who show marked narcissistic tendencies. This mirroring behaviour was the reason for choosing the name Echo personality disorder,which is based on the Greek myth of Narcissus and Echo. In this story Echo, a forest nymph, falls completely in love with the egocentric youth Narcissus, and when he shows clear signs of rejecting her, she persists in her attatchement to him and will not be moved from her aim. She finally satisfies him with the masochistic task of echoing back to him all that he says. This too is the central feature of EPD behaviour in relationships, where the individual will mirror, echo, and compliment another at the expense of their own self-worth and dignity. Self descriptions by EPD sufferers focus strongly on percieved fears of abandonment, rejection, and loss, and these agonizing feelings are the driving force behind the above-mentioned interpersonal coping style (mirroring others). These individuals protect themselves from abandonment/rejection by being so agreeable to others, via their mirroring capacity, that chances of re-experiencing abandonment agony is brought to a low minimum. Unfortunately this approach amounts to a false existence with little or no true self expression, and eventually leads to poor psychological health. Characteristic experiential history for EPD often involves individuals being parented by caretakers who are themselves self-absorbed or narcissistic. In this environment the child learns that asserting ones true self will be met with a form of (often serial) rejection, to which they respond by substituting compliant behaviour in place of true selfhood. This compliant behaviour can then be witnessed as a stable feature throughout the childs growing-up years, with other school children, and within the family. Depression, smoking, alcoholism, addictive behaviour all occur with very high frequency in this disorder. On a positive note, EPD people are excellent contributors to society, and to family, as they are found to be very perceptive of the needs of others. The highly respected religions of Christianity and Buddhism are based on the principles of altruism and charity, and this is a lifestyle at which the EPD individual can be said to be expert. Good traits such as these cannot simply be written off with a simple catch-cry of pathology, and if the EPD sufferer could regain some healthy sense-of-self whilst maintaining these good traits, they would become paragons of society.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Business in Indonesia an Example of the Topic Business Essays by

Business in Indonesia As a high-level manager tasked with the responsibility of deciding whether the company should start manufacturing shoes in Indonesia, I would use this opportunity to enhance the company's image and at the same time, increase its profit margins. To do this, I wouldn't pay women shoemakers $40 per month. Instead, I would propose to the company to pay the local workers $120 per month, twice the minimum wage set for workers in Indonesia and better than the currently highest salary paid by an employer. This monthly compensation is a win-win decision for the company on top of benefiting the local workers. By paying twice the minimum wage, the company will: Need essay sample on "Business in Indonesia" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed still make thousands of savings in labor costs, making profit rise; $120 is just a day's labor for a worker in the U.S. put the company in a very good light and will probably make it one of the best employers in Indonesia; and better the lives of thousands of people by providing high wages for women workers. The company should not be too greedy in its pursuit to maximize profits. Even if it'll pay $120 per month, it will still make about $2880 in savings per worker. By learning to be generous, it will become an industry model and will keep the loyalty of its workforce. People Often Tell EssayLab professionals: I'm don't want to write my essay. Because I want to spend time with my boyfriend Specialists propose: Find Brilliant Papers For Sale Here Online Essays For Sale Do My Essay Online Write Your Paper For You Cheap Custom Writing Service a) Gerritt claims that the company owes him $800. Instead of bringing the case to court, he went to the general manager to demand for his back wages. Being unsuccessful at getting the manager to agree with him, Gerritt was threatened to be thrown off the property and as a last resort he took some tools with him when he left. What Gerritt did is called conversion and is classified under intentional tort. Conversion is the act of taking away possession of another's property without legal basis. He took the tools in exchange for the money he claims owed to him. Even if he thought it was only a just exchange, it does not free Gerritt from liability for taking the tools in that manner. What he could have done is to file a suit against the company. However, since the usual judgment in cases like Gerritt's is to make him pay for the tools he took, then what he needs to do is to prove that the company really owes him back wages. If he can't, Gerritt would need to pay for the tools or return them to the company. b) If the mechanics threw Gerritt off the property, the company won't be liable for assault and battery. Generally, merchants have the privilege to apply physical force to ensure that their business establishments are protected from intentional mischief. The general manager viewed Gerritt's behavior as a cause for alarm when he refused to leave the property after being ordered to do so. Being in charge of the place, it is his call how to drive away trespassers on the company's property. Also, Gerritt's behavior could have turned threatening and the talk going nowhere, making the manager decide to take a more forceful action. Ling's Market can definitely be held liable for the back injury that Kim suffered as a result of falling on the wet floor. Stores are responsible for the safety of their customers once they are inside the premises. The manager knew that weather conditions are bad and as a result water would probably accumulate in the door. He didn't do anything about it, not even posting a sign that should warn customers to be extra careful. The store, as an extension of the manager, committed negligence under tort law and will have to pay for the costs that Kim incurred because of her injury. Kim fell on water that had already accumulated on the floor as previous shoppers come and go. She was probably hurrying to get out of the wind and rain and in doing so, didn't notice the puddle. If that were the case, Ling's liability would probably be lower than a hundred percent of the total damages. Capece should stop using 'The Velvet Elvis' service mark because it is committing trademark infringement. Although the mark was not previously registered, yet, it caused confusion among customers. Witnesses invited to trial said that they first believed the bar to be connected with Elvis Presley. Based on trademark law, the standard used to test for infringement is whether there is a chance for confusion. Not only did Capece use the word 'Elvis' as the bar's name, but he also gave the establishment an Elvis Presley theme through promotional activities, the interior dcor, and its music. Elvis is a very strong mark that automatically brings to mind the artist. No one would think of any other person when the name is used in products or services. As described in the case, customers were indeed confused, satisfying the basic condition for trademark infringement. Works Cited Comparative Wages in Selected Countries. 13 April 2008 Personal Injury Law: General. 13 April 2008 Tort Basics: Trespass, Nuisance, and Conversion. 2007. 13 April 2008 Larson, Aaron. Assault and Battery. October 2003. ExpertLaw Home Page. 13 April 2008

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Reagan essays

Reagan essays Ronald Reagan: Its Time for a Change When the 1980 presidential election rolled around Americans were looking for a new leader and someone that could get the United States out of its slump. The previous Presidents did nothing but make Americans lose confidence in the position. Jimmy Carter didnt act as strong as a world leader should act. Gerald Ford wasnt a bad president but he didnt do much while he was in office. Nixon and Johnson were plagued by the conflict of the Vietnam War and the turbulent society in the United States. Americans needed an appealing President, someone who would lift their hopes; Ronald Reagan was that man. At the time the United States faced high inflation, high unemployment and high taxes. Reagan was determined to turn this around and return the United States to its past glory. Reagan planned to reduce the role of government and increase individual rights. He also wanted to reduce taxes and the American public was all for this. Finally, Reagan wanted to restore the pride, power and tradition the United States once had but was now lost. These plans, promises and other factors made Ronald Reagan a very appealing politician the United States. Ronald Reagan had a slightly different background then the men that came before him. Ronald Reagan won initial fame in Hollywood where he worked in films and was president of the Screen Actor Guild (Boller 259). He also appeared on television and in commercials. This experience in the media helped Reagan a lot as a President. He was able to speak clear and make people listen to his plans for the country. He wasnt afraid to tell the people what needed to be done in the country and these plans appealed to the public. Reagan was an experienced politician and had already worked in government. He spoke out publicly in the sixties for the Republicans and there conservative views. This is where he took the side that government ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Methods of Integration as Leadership Tools Assignment

Methods of Integration as Leadership Tools - Assignment Example According to the paper findings, it can, therefore, be said that there are three types of integration namely: forward/downstream vertical integration, backward/upstream vertical integration, and balanced vertical integration which incorporates upstream and downstream integration. Vertical integration is a situation whereby a company dominates a market by controlling the steps in the production. This is usually from the initial stage of extraction of raw materials, the manufacturing process to the sale of the final product. Vertical integration is best conceptualized through the use of the value chain. For instance; an assembly company may practice backward integration by venturing into manufacturing or forward integration by venturing into distribution. Vertical integration implies that there is a proper communication channel that links the whole corporation with the headquarters. This ensures that each subsidiary can be constantly monitored to enhance efficiency. Vertical integratio n is often seen as a way to exercise effective leadership and proper control in a company. It enables the company to significantly reduce the uncertainties that are usually encountered with the supply chain. Upstream (backward) vertical integration is exhibited when a company has control over subsidiaries that produce inputs used to produce its products. For example, a steel company that owns steel mines where the ore is extracted, coal mines to supply coal and the railroads to transport the raw materials to the factory may be said to practice backward integration. Downstream (forward) vertical integration is exhibited when a company controls the distribution centers and retail outlets where its products are sold. Taking an example of McDonald’s, forward integration would be by way of owning multiple distribution centers and fast food retail outlets.