Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Stakeholder Management Reciprocity Holder â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Stakeholder Management Reciprocity Holder? Answer: Introduction The dispute regarding SPC Ardmona was regarding their closure in the year 2014 was a very crucial thing in the history of Australian employment relations. The situation was so crucial that many of the employees feared to lose their jobs. This dispute was solved by the interference of the Australian government by granting some amount of money to make the company operate in its industry. The Fair Work Commission has also acted positively to revive the organization to start again. The core of the dispute Thee parent company of SPC Ardmona was Coca-Cola Amatil but the organization was suffering from various problems in the business operations ( 2017). The problem was such a huge one that the Victorian Government led by Tony Abbott had planned to help the company with $100 to revive the financial conditions of the company that helped them to survive and operate within the industry. The company has been a major producer of processed fruit in Australia. This company is the owner of various brands like Goulburn Valley, IXL, SPC, Ardmona and Taylors ( 2017). As reporting to Justice Ross, it can be said for working for Fair Work Competition that SPC Ardmona had complained to the federal Victorian government about the unfair import competition in the market and the Productivity Commission had reviewed the potential viability of the company ( 2017). The Productivity Commission reported that the importing of processed food products had suffered a number of faults as the finding of the Safeguards Inquiry. The stakeholders of the company were disturbed at these reports because the main sufferers were the people like the customers and suppliers and local distributors (Fassin 2012). Findings of the report The report published by the Commission stated that the company SPC Ardmona was suffering from the long-term reductions in the demand for processed food in the Australian market. The export volumes were lower as well and the growth rate of the company was stopped. As a result, they needed to reduce the expenses behind the production process and this led them to be unemployed some of the employees. This was really a setback for the employees and the situation got heated up regarding the cashing out of sick leaves and redundancy pay (Fair Work Ombudsman 2017). The solution of the dispute and the role of stakeholders One of the major things that had caused the problems was the fact about the redundancy pay and sick leave cashing out. The company did not want to approve more than 10 sick leaves for an employee but the Fair Work Ombudsman had stated some new regulations saying that an employee should be given a four week notice for termination and 16 weeks for redundancy pay (Fair Work Ombudsman 2017). SPC Ardmona was only able to present a 2.5 percent increase in the wages that was below than others. They could not give proper amount of wages as the production costs were going too high. This is why their market shares went down and the stakeholders were badly affected (Noble 2017). Conclusion The paper can be concluded by saying that the ailing condition of SPC Ardmona was rescued by the federal Australian government and they noticed the problems and they decided to help the organization to come up with new ideas with the help of the government money. The different problems could be solved in different ways because some of them are internal. SPC Ardmona needs to satisfy their stakeholders properly to stay alive in the market. References Fair Work Ombudsman. (2017). Fair Work Ombudsman. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017]. Fassin, Y., 2012. Stakeholder management, reciprocity and stakeholder responsibility.Journal of Business Ethics,109(1), pp.83-96. Noble, D., 2017.Forces of production: A social history of industrial automation. Routledge. (2017). SPC Ardmona - Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2017].

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