Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Potential Correlations Between Self Defeating Humor,...

This investigation is aimed to discuss the potential correlations between self-defeating humor, and individual’s level of self-esteem. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not a person’s style of humor reflects on an individual’s level of self-esteem. In prior research, many studies have discussed how there are various humor styles that reflect on a persons self-concept, and psychological well-being. However, there has yet to be a specific study focusing only on self-defeating humor and self-esteem which is the overall purpose of this particular investigation. Over the years, much research has been performed addressing these two particular variables to understand and gain insight on individual differences of humor. For the†¦show more content†¦The style of humor that a person may use can interestingly enough supply a fair amount of detail about that given person. For example, the humor style a person may engage in can reveal information a bout that person’s personality or a character trait that they may have. The humor style of interest for this study is self-defeating humor. Self-defeating humor is a humor that is used towards others at the expense of oneself. In other words, meaning to make fun of oneself, in order to receive a positive reaction from others. On the other hand, self-esteem is a measure of how one may view oneself. Self-esteem has a lot to do with a person’s level of confidence and the self-image that a person may have. An individual’s self-esteem may fluctuate daily depending on certain experiences, which can cause changes in the thoughts and feelings that one may have. According to the Oxford Dictionary, self-esteem is the confidence in one’s own worth, abilities, and the self respect a person has for themselves. Similar to the styles of humor, depending on the particular individual, there are many levels regarding ones self-esteem. A person who has very high self-esteem would be considered to have a very positive self-image and be confident of oneself. Whereas a person, who has low self-esteem, would be considered to have more of a negative self-image, be unsure of oneself as well as any personal relationships

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